Join the historic movement to restore the promise of California — for our families, for our children, for our future.

Join the historic movement to restore the promise of California — for our families, for our children, for our future.

Fighting for my family
and for yours.
I believe we are in a battle—for our souls, our soil and our liberties. We may be divided, but we don’t have to remain that way. We can unite against those in office who continue to drive a wedge between communities, classes and cultures through the misuse of power, influence and fear.
I’m coming to wage war against those who have unlawfully taken our freedoms, abused their power and caused irreversible harm to California families and businesses.
Our inalienable rights, enshrined in the California Constitution, have been under attack from the very people duty-bound to defend them. As governor, my first priority will be to restore and protect our God-given freedoms to be a free-thinking people able to pursue life, liberty and happiness without the overreaching and unnecessary involvement of government.
I believe faith is a verb. The Bible actually says that faith without works is dead. I believe it’s time to awaken the righteous anger that has been dormant inside many of us for far too long. Government, the media and extreme voices on both sides of the aisle have exploited the differences between us instead of promoting the fundamental core beliefs we all share—that we are all born with God-given, inalienable rights. Rights that supersede government reach and intervention.
Our rights as parents, business owners and as a free people have come under attack. It’s time to rise up and fight for our freedoms, our families and our communities.
I believe the home is where we begin to solve the vast majority of societal problems that exist today—especially around drug use, crime, over-populated prisons and our foster care system. Instead of promoting family, our government has structured assistance in such a way that it incentivizes broken homes, especially within minority communities. We need a family-first approach to policy in California. Our families are the pillars on which safe, secure communities are built.
As a parent, I believe that decisions regarding your children’s health and education should be made in the home, not by politicians. I will honor and support the sanctity of family and restrict the government’s ability to trespass on your rights and liberties as parents.
A continual decrease in investment in education and an outdated approach to teaching have made California “the least-educated state in America.” This education gap should be considered a statewide emergency based on the long-lasting implications it has on our economy, communities and future generations.
I believe in a leadership-based approach to education that provides our young people with the fundamental building blocks of finance, investing, entrepreneurialism, formal writing, creativity, art, culture and health. I firmly believe that an educated society is the most powerful engine for meaningful change in the world, and I will work to transform California into the most educated state in America.
6Medical Freedom
As governor, I will oppose the overreaching policies implemented by the current administration. Grounded in science and data vs. fear and propaganda, I will reject vaccine passports across the state, which many see as simply another form of discrimination.
The job of government is to provide you with the information you need to make informed healthcare decisions for you and your family—not to overstep or force unjustified compliance.
Wasteful spending, failed projects and the mass exodus of large corporations and high-net-worth individuals have left our middle class unnecessarily burdened with picking up the tab through the most exorbitant and unfair state taxes in the nation. As governor, I will immediately reduce the tax burden imposed by previous administrations so that California families can finally keep, spend and invest more of their hard-earned dollars on what matters most to them.
States like Texas and Florida continue to lure our large manufacturing, automotive and tech companies away from California, along with the jobs and revenue they generate. I’ll enact policies that cut regulations, empower sustainable growth, stop companies from fleeing and make California the most business-friendly state in America.
I believe that all businesses are essential to the people they employ, the communities they support and the business owners they belong to. Our government should not have the overreaching authority to determine what size or type of business should be given special operating privileges over others. And they shouldn’t be allowed to misuse that authority to threaten, intimidate, fine or incarcerate those that choose to operate as a means of survival.
I will stand with businesses to ensure that Sacramento is never given another opportunity to choke our local economy or punish our entrepreneurs. Under my administration, California will remain open for business.
The healthcare system is fundamentally broken. We focus on treating symptoms and diseases with little attention placed on prevention. I will use the power and platform of my office to educate, empower and encourage all Californians to better understand the importance of natural, holistic approaches to health and wellness.
Regulations and poor planning have stifled housing development, and policies addressing homelessness have failed due to weak local leadership and a lack of strategic collaboration. I’ll work with community leaders, faith-based organizations and non-profits to scale already existing grassroots efforts across the state to deliver immediate, measurable and sustainable results for our growing homeless population.